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Radio 22 Mar del plata Radio en vivo

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Radio 22 Mar del plata is a local radio station based in the city of Mar del Plata, located in the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The channel caters to a wide range of audiences, including residents of Mar del Plata and surrounding areas. It features a mix of music, news, entertainment, and sports programming, making it a diverse and engaging radio station for listeners.

Radio 22 Mar del plata broadcasts throughout the day, with different programs scheduled throughout the week. The radio station's programming varies from news magazines and talk shows to music and sports coverage. The station's hosts are experienced and engaging, providing a dynamic listening experience for all its listeners.

For the latest news and entertainment in and around Mar del Plata, Radio 22 Mar del plata is the go-to destination. Its diverse line-up of programming ensures that listeners are entertained and informed throughout the day.
Escuchar Radio 22 Mar del plata en la <strong>app radio.net </strong>
Escuchar Radio 22 Mar del plata en la app radio.net