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Planeta Radio Radio en vivo

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Planeta Radio is a popular radio station based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The channel's main aim is to provide a fresh and entertaining platform for music lovers across Argentina. The channel's programming is mostly focused on the most recent and popular music genres such as pop, rock, electronic, and reggaeton. Planeta Radio's primary audience is young adults and teenagers, who make up the bulk of the station's listenership.

The channel's schedule is flexible and dynamic, with different programs focused on individual music genres. Additionally, the channel presents several daily entertaining radio shows such as "Despertando el Planeta," "Golpe de Estudio," and "Los Especiales de Planeta." Planeta Radio also features several guest DJs, who grace the airwaves and provide exclusive mixes and sets for viewers.

Listeners of Planeta Radio are guaranteed to have a good time listening to their favorite music and enjoying the humor and banter of the presenters. Planeta Radio is the ultimate destination for those looking for the latest updates in music, entertainment, and social trends in Buenos Aires and beyond.
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